I can’t believe I gave these people money.
yeah it’s the same shit they used on bernie in the debate. ‘how are we gonna pay for it?’ despite the fact that it would actually save money… just not for the people who are already making bank profiting off of death.
I don’t see how it’s the same. Neolibs are saying “how are we going to pay for it” to suggest that it cannot be paid for. DSA is saying the bill is still in 6 committees and the committees have not decides how it should be paid for yet, basically saying it is an incomplete bill. Meaning House Democrats are stalling
you have more faith in them than i do. to me they’re using language that mirrors the DNC’s position on it, and trying to justify their opposition to force the vote, despite them initially promoting it, before all of their reps declined to press pelosi.
I don’t have faith in them I just don’t know how to read it any other way
The Medicare for All bill in the House needs to pass through six Committees’ jurisdiction, and it currently lacks financing language (i.e. how to pay for it), so it’s not a bill that can be voted on yet. This is why getting the bill out of committee has been one of DSA’s priorities .Over the past few years, working with other national and local groups, we’ve succeeded in pressuring chairs to hold the first hearings on Medicare for All in the Ways and Means, Energy and Commerce, Rules, and Budget committees. These hearings were historic; the first ever on Medicare for All legislation.
to me this says its incomplete and we want it to be completed. The bill had hearings, which is a start, but were not completed. I don’t know how else to interpret it. The DNC position is not that House Democrats are dragging their feet and are the only reason its not complete