All jokes aside, yesterday should’ve been a wake up call for the entire country to see how easy this is for the right wing. When the next fascist comes, they won’t be making the same mistakes Trump made.
For anyone decrying this and blaming BLM protesters for not being able to do this, go back and watch the videos. The cops helped them. They opened the gates and let them storm the capitol. More than one cop hung back and took selfies with them and generally showed no letehal force whatsoever. Had that been BLM protesters, they wouldn’t have even got to the gates. Cops would’ve already teargassed, flashbanged and sprayed them with rubber bullets while DHS and the National Guard would’ve been waiting to arrest them.
Half of the GOP are in support of this. They’ve been calling the election rigged and riding that train with the base.
The most amazing part to me IMO is that liberals live in some weird alternate reality where the mainstream media has been feeding them BS for what they want to hear for 4 years. Trump has an over 90% approval rating with the GOP voter base and it only went up after the riots last year and all of his stunts. This isn’t that hard to figure out. They love him cause he says the quiet parts out loud and don’t put on a happy face around the coded language. Libs have had 4 years to get it that people vote conservative in America to go after the people they hate. It’s about keeping black people and minorities out of their neighborhoods; putting the LGBT back in the closet, jailing immigrants and sticking it to poor people. But instead of realizing this, mainstream media has simply shoved microphones in the face of any old neocon who they label “anti-Trump” and propped them up as if they run the GOP.
The biggest thing to take into consideration is how police protected them, allowed it and then sat back and refused to use lethal force. Liberals can’t seem to figure it out and acted all stunned, but it’s really not a shock. Far right groups have been infiltrating police departments for decades. We’ve been screaming about this for years while libs just ignore it and think voting is going to solve all of these problems. The next fascist that comes around, also will have the backing the police, you can bet on that.
If Trump wasn’t a stupid idiot worried more about his ego than anything else, he could’ve totally pulled it off and seized power yesterday. But once they got in the capitol, he did what he always does and chickened out after all his big talk.
Liberals also proved how useless they are yesterday, not that it’s a big surprise. They don’t know how to do anything but be smug and condescending. You saw how they act in a coup yesterday. They’ll just get on twitter, make ‘white privilege’ trend as a hashtag and try to explain that the problem isn’t so much our system, or corrupt police helping fascists. Then sit back and scream and shout that the cops aren’t beating these people or showing lethal force. Libs don’t get it and they never will. They’re over-educated wimps who will cower in the face of fascism unfolding.
I have long believed that when Trump originally ran for president back in 2015, that the Republicans were fine with him as a sort of experiment and test. It was like they were testing the waters to see how far the American public would be willing to accept fascist rhetoric and how far they could go with someone like him and get away with it. Yesterday definitely felt like a test run for a coup. They’ve had 4 years to realize they can pull it off cause Dems are a bunch of cowards and will just hide behind the system and status quo, regardless who is in power. 4 years of a bumbling moron president and no real push back for it from Dems. Just liberals fact-checking and writing smug articles for years decrying everything. Yesterday was the last test and it proved to them, they can pull this off in the future when they get their ideal fascist, opposed to a reality TV star game show host.
We’re starring right down the barrel of fascism. The next fascist we get isn’t going to be a moron reality TV show star. Somewhere out there, the next Trump is sitting and watching. They are vowing not to make the same idiotic mistakes he has made through all this time.
Will Dems learn from this and take advantage from a GOP in disarray? I doubt it. They just barely won the Georgia runoff, squeaking that out after McConnell and the GOP wouldn’t push for the $2k stimulus and doomed themselves. Another 4 years of Obama style nothingness and open, naked class war is going to lead us to Trump 2.0.
Start preparing cause it’s a rough ride ahead.
Hello Dave Anthony!
In all seriousness your whole post is excellent but I’m genuinely shocked by how few people I know seem to grasp this bit…
The biggest thing to take into consideration is how police protected them, allowed it and then sat back and refused to use lethal force. Liberals can’t seem to figure it out and acted all stunned, but it’s really not a shock. Far right groups have been infiltrating police departments for decades. We’ve been screaming about this for years while libs just ignore it and think voting is going to solve all of these problems. The next fascist that comes around, also will have the backing the police, you can bet on that.
The liberal response will absolutely be to increase police budgets, authorise more lethal force and police powers, increase surveillance capability and possibly even more draconian forms of pre-crime arrest. They’ll give fascist a dream suite of weapons to ensure absolute success as well as further entrenching the psychology of law enforcement as the vanguard of the country, the makers of its destiny, the only thing standing between the dangerous masses and the country’s existence.
The liberal response will absolutely be to increase police budgets, authorise more lethal force and police powers, increase surveillance capability and possibly even more draconian forms of pre-crime arrest. They’ll give fascist a dream suite of weapons to ensure absolute success as well as further entrenching the psychology of law enforcement as the vanguard of the country, the makers of its destiny, the only thing standing between the dangerous masses and the country’s existence.
Sadly true. We saw that from libs after all the BLM protests during the summer. “Police reform” is such a joke. Citations Needed did an excellent episode on this where they talked about how all the police reform talks after the Ferguson riots just resulted in them getting even more bloated budgets and tools. It led to the whole body cams and those have been proven to be useless since in court, the body cams will often be used as evidence to defend the police.
All libs are doing is whining about how the police sided with the fascists, and I highly doubt any Dems in Congress are going to push to investigate them for corruption or anything. Instead, we’ll probably get an investigation over that woman they shot and killed yesterday since the right wing will make her into a martyr. The movie Serpico proves how useless their investigations are into corruption anyway. That movie and the real life Frank Serpico documented NYPD corruption in the 1970s. The NYPD only continued to get worse as decades went on.
Absolutely, although to be honest I doubt there’ll be much of an investigation into the shooting. It seemed to be a Secret Service agent and don’t think even Republican lawmakers are going to want to limit or make an example of their own security detail essentially.
Hello Dave Anthony!
Dave Anthony if this really is you, please unblock me on Twitter, I’m sorry for thinking that running up the score in baseball is cool
I feel like what this really showed is that the dems will do nothing to stop a coup. As long as Fascists can make deals with the DoD, DHS, CIA, ect, the dems won’t give them any trouble. Basically regardless of the election results if the fascists have the backing of those institutions they can just take power. We’ll see what the Dems do in response to this, if they really do just bolster the police and surveillance state then Fascism actually seems pretty likely. I have the financial resources to emigrate, but hopefully it doesn’t come to that.
I dunno, the obvious failure of the cops here is being noticed.
Congress is gonna want massive security upgrades though. sigh.