Honestly fucking disgusting, this is why being a “communist” for aesthetics or following people like this because your horny for them or occasionally they do one good post isn’t worth it. Shoe has a massive platform and Ash has a rather sizeable stan following on twitter. This is what you get though for propping people up like this. shoe was never good and has never been good. I’m not targeting this post to anyone specifically at chapo, most yall already knew, i’m just frustrated because this is the exact reason i can’t get on board with accepting reformed reactionaries because they say bash the fash now or some stupid shit. fuck that
The tweets were deleted but not before google archived it https://i.imgur.com/H4Uc5sh.png https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:0rTZ8buKqvsJ:https://twitter.com/PUNISHEDASH/status/1346921191915839491+&cd=11&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us
edit: and sorry if it wasn’t clear, that viking guy is an actual nazi
This is bad and these two are bad.
I disagree with the general take that we should never accept reformed reactionaries. If we send a clear message of “no growth allowed” and that they’ll have no place in the Left, then there’s no incentive to improve.
i can’t get on board with accepting reformed reactionaries because they say bash the fash now or some stupid shit.
I think the second part of that sentence is the key, though. OPs statement applies to people like these two who occasionally lean into the A E S T H E T I C and not to people who are generally trying to learn and improve themselves
yes, thank you. i’m for sure in full support of converting folks who knew they fucked up and their ideas were harmful. it’s just a whole other thing when those people used their massive platform to dox, humiliate and target the vulnerable, especially our trans/nb comrades. you gotta do A LOT of praxis (unironically) before i can even consider you okay, let alone an ally like shoe has become to so many people on the left. a lot of younger folks are really into shoe and stan her so hard but she has been nothing but issues.
I disagree with the general take that we should never accept reformed reactionaries.
I mean, you’d think this sub was never horny the way OP is going off.
“Haha. Bunch of reactionaries in goofy outfits are storming a corrupt and decrepit institution. And, oh, one of them is kinda hot.”
If Stav had said it, all you’d get is laughter.