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20 points

I mean, putting people in prison camps based on ethnic and religious profiling is completely fucked, and implying the reactionary seperatist movement is entirely or even primarily the result of C.I.A. meddling and that religious and ethnic based repression and internment camps were the only solution is ignorant, racist, islamophobic and anti-materialist.

Like, duh the C.I.A. supports the Uighur seperatist movement, they’re a reactionary separatist movement on the Chinese side of a China/NATO-puppet-state border, what’s not to love, but the movement would have almost certainly existed whether or not the CIA was involved. There has been a Uighur seperatist movement in Xinjiang longer that there has been a CIA, for most of its history its been a lot less violent than it was in the last two decades and the violence in the last two decades is at least as much a result of the CPC’s atrocious mishandling as it was of any CIA meddling.

The CPC’s handling of Uighur seperatism in this millenium has been reminiscent in its racism, escalation, and brutality of Bush’s inestimably worse war on terror that the CPC repeatedly tried to equate it with. Instead of firing and imprisoning people based on outwards religious and expression like wearing a burqa, a turban, or even too long of a beard, here are some recommendations from a 2002 paper by Chien-peng Chung, a political science professor at Lingnan University whose main research interest at the time was the Xinjiang situation.

The government’s call to develop the west has accelerated migration by Han Chinese into Xinjiang, thereby exacerbating tensions. In 1949, the region was almost 80 percent Uighur; today, that figure has dropped to 45-50 percent. Many Uighurs do not speak Mandarin Chinese, which is usually the prerequisite for any good-paying job or government position, and few are as well educated as the immi grants. As a result, the Han dominate commerce in Xinjiang’s urban areas and are frequently seen by the locals as having the region’s best jobs in the government, the Communist Party, and the military. The Han also usually live in newer neighborhoods and go to informally segregated schools.

Rather than allowing the flow of immigration into Xinjiang to remain unchecked, the Chinese regime should regulate it so that immigrants do not compete unnecessarily with the locals for jobs, schools, or state services. Beijing should encourage public-sector corporations, oil companies, and government agencies to increase their hiring of ethnic minorities. Quotas for Uighur admission into colleges and government positions should also be expanded and enforced. The government must also allocate funds fairly among Han and Uighur neighborhoods. Cleaning up the area around China’s nuclear test site at Lop Nor in the Taklimakan Desert, where soil and groundwater pollution are causing birth defects and health problems among the local inhabitants, would be another important step.

Furthermore, as guaranteed in the Chinese constitution, the government must uphold religious freedom. Muslim Uighurs who openly practice their faith complain of harassment by the authori ties. The government must respect Muslim customs and allow the free functioning of mosques and religious schools, interfering only if they are found to be educating or harboring militants. Political changes are required as well: less gerrymandering in favor of Han Chinese among Xinjiang’s administrative units, more proportionate ethnic representation in party and government structures, and more devolution of power from Beijing to the region. Hunting down terrorists is only a partial solution to the violence in Xinjiang. Unless China listens to the Uighurs and treats them better, its troubled western region is unlikely to be calmed any time soon.

Basically, he’s saying that the reason the seperatist movement is turning violent again is that Uighur people’s material conditions were getting worse, and if those material conditions improved the seperatist movement would both lose supporters and get less violent.

What the CPC ended up doing instead of confronting the material needs was level increasingly severe punishments against increasingly more avenues of religious and ethno-cultural expression and using the :shocked-pikachu: increasingly escalating terrorist violence resulting from this radicalising people to justify increasingly harsher measures.

It’s racist, islamophobic, reactionary and anti-materialist to imply that targetting people based on their expression of the Islamic faith and Uighur cultural identity was the only possible way to disempower and deradicalise the Uighur seperatist movement.

7 points

It’s a testament to how little any of the loudest voices here actually care about any of this that no one will read this. I appreciate the post any way.

5 points
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5 points

To be clear, in Xinjiang, as of 2017 “outward manifestations of extremism” such as, wearing a veil in public, or having an abnormal beard are banned.

The CPC is not just targeting separatists who happen to be Islamic and Uighur, they’ve criminalized practicing Islam and expressing Uighur ethno-cultural identity purportedly as a way of trying to target separatists.

4 points
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1 point

There is a spectre haunting

The spectre is a Nazbol.

5 points

Disagree with some of it, but it’s a great post. Appreciated the 2002 paper.

For me, it’s impossible to get away from the fact that the US, through facilitating wahabbism, and everything else over a century, has kept the entire middle east in hellworld to get that oil.

China will do anything to avoid that.

e: I mean, it’s the stated US policy to slow the rise of China by any means necessary.

1 point

Consider the fact that wahabbists in the KSA have no problem with what China is doing and the conclusion is obvious. They aren’t interring uyghurs because they are Muslim or because they’re worried about terrorism. They’re doing this for the same reason america loves putting black men in prison. It’s free labor. The profiling is just a PR tool to acquire it without a fuss. It’s nice to believe the PRC is any different but reality is that this is just them doing what they do best: knocking off American imperialism at a more efficient clip than previously thought possible.

3 points

That’s the first time I’ve heard free labour cited as a reason for the measures. It doesn’t seem persuasive tbh.

It’s nice to believe the PRC is any different

But there is a category difference here. The PRC is a multi millenia civilisation coming out of a century of chaos largely caused by western imperialism. The US inherited and propagates that western imperialism by any means necessary.

The two countries are at very different stages of technological and political development.

The US, as the geographically secure hegemon, has had the luxury of notional unfettered political freedom. China has, naturally, has had to develop a more secure, less free political system, because of outside threats of destabilisation. By the hegemon.

Need to compare them with way more context than “they both are doing imperialism right now,” which I don’t accept that China is doing in any way camparable to the west.


I dont think that paper is useful at all. The geography of the region is completely different from the impression this guy tries to paint. The northern silk road corridor which is the areas of han inmigration isnt where the uyghurs typically live. these areas have always been multicultural. the tarim basin though, is concentrated by the uyghur, and there have been traces of attempts to keep them there as opposed to migrating to the rest of the region. growth of migrants to the new cities paints a different picture from this again. the fact that regional ethnic statistics have been readically altered is a non-factor because of the regional difference between the tarim basin on the one hand and the turpan and dzungar valley systems on the other




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