that might be scrappy actually
kinda forgot we need a megathread
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Wait neckbeard is abelist? Can anybody give me the rundown on this, I had never heard this take before.
There’s a variety of reasons why someone might not groom themselves and wind up with a neckbeard that doesn’t involve the stereotype, and mocking anyone on their appearance might hurt other people who look like that that are reading what you’re saying. That’s the take I’ve seen I’m not sure if that’s what was explained to Beatnik
Having read through that, I can see where its coming from. A small quibble I have is that the original use I always saw more as a stereotype of people who could not grow beards actively growing out the neckbeard as a conscious choice, the kind of people who wanted to pass themselves as the “societal ideal” without being it or actually trying to achieve it. However, I do also understand that there definitely became a harmful correlation between the term and autism (thanks, 4Chan!) which definitely could make this word into an abelist one. There’s probably flecks of reactionary still in my mind that say it might not be that terrible, but it may better to avoid it if you can.