What’s the appeal of that podcast again?
Yeah I read the article you linked elsewhere. It’s not sexist to think vocal fry is annoying or that I don’t want it piercing my ears while at work. It can be used that way but I don’t think people here are doing that.
This is a serious question, without a trace of irony: Do you think it is possible to dislike vocal fry (in any person) without it being rooted in conscious or unconscious misogyny? Roughly speaking what percentage would you estimate is due to benign preference vs. some sort of misogyny? 50:50, 25:75, 5:95? If, for the sake of argument, mine is just benign preference, are you saying I should change my preference, or just not vocalize my preference?
But I unironically immediately thought the guy reading the intro (ira glass?) to have an annoying voice while none of the women bothered me. Is that misogyny?
Saying that vocal fry is more often noticed in women and that that is a bad thing is an understandable position. What is not understandable is saying that ever criticizing vocal fry is misogyny. I have no strong feelings about Red Scare one way or the other. I opened their most recent episode and skipped to the middle to listen, and while their regular voices are tolerable, at times they draw out words in the most grating manner! Are you going to say that drawing out one word over 3 seconds like that is not a choice?