uhh can anyone debunk this if it isn’t true, or clarify if this is some dengist thing
Labour Minister Marta Elena Feito said the list of authorised industries had expanded from 127 to more than 2,000.
Only a minority of industries would be reserved for the state, she said.
welp, I no longer stan cuba.
well, there’s plenty of support for China here, and they have far more private business than Cuba ever will right? Alibaba alone, I mean jeez. This, it seems is just to take advantage of US tourists being able to come now that Biden is president and the regulations will be relaxed again, post-covid vaccine rollout.
i think the prc is a vile piece of shit imperialist stain on the world map since dengism, and I question whether it’s any less awful than the american empire. I certainly don’t think it’s worse, but I do not think it is a good place.
unless youve spent hours obsessively learning about china and its system please shut the fuck up, us people with a special interest in China’s economic and political system are laughing at you
Huh, interesting. I didn’t realize there were people on the board that had this point of view, I was downvoted to hell on another account months ago for questioning the party’s narrative around some parts of Chinese history. People were very…well, from my perspective, they were defensive.