uhh can anyone debunk this if it isn’t true, or clarify if this is some dengist thing
Labour Minister Marta Elena Feito said the list of authorised industries had expanded from 127 to more than 2,000.
Only a minority of industries would be reserved for the state, she said.
Love to make jokes about abuse. Guess the “woke” facade drops when people who can actually smell ur bullshit come in.
All discussion of ‘woke’ aside it would be pretty suspect for a Marxist to deride any discussion of the commodity form as something ‘purely imaginary’ that ‘haunts’ an individuals psyche. Why do you think Marx spends so much time in the beginning of Capital about the appearance of the commodity? Yeah its not real in the sense of an actualized, material thing, but things can and do emerge out of relations. So what actually is your point?
Honestly this whole thread is filled with dumpster-tier thinking that is just memes, and pointing at meaningless signs. So very few have even attempted at answering as to what actually is happening / how this changes things, and even fewer as to how this applies to anything. As materialists we should be concerned with the mechanics of society, not be reduced to mere petty arguments about ‘good’ versus ‘bad’–as if being ‘Left’ is a subculture.