so… this is like a sure thing that the vaccine won’t work, right?
so can we PLEASE just stay the fuck inside for a couple months?
It’s literally the opposite. The vaccine works, and the fact that reinfection can happen means that immunity from vaccination is far more protective than immunity from infection.
Basically, you can be immune to covid for two reasons: either you got the virus and are producing antibodies from when you beat it, or you got the vaccine and are producing WAY MORE antibodies than if you were infected. The South Africa mutant strain seems to get around the antibodies from natural infection, but the vaccine still nukes it. So unlike the other strains, you need the vaccine to be immune to this one.
more effective. okay so it is still a thing.
im not suggesting anyone NOT get the vaccine if they have the opportunity; immunity to known strains is a big deal and would still save lives even if it were worth nothing against new variants.
Yeah a strain that gets around immunity to other strains is a big deal, even though the vaccine still works it probably pushes back the time until herd immunity by a few months.
And when people call the new strains “vaccine resistant” it’s a bit of a misnomer. Imagine it like this: if you get shot 50 times in the chest, you’re going to die. If you put on a Kevlar vest and get shot 50 times in the chest, you’re still going to die, even if your chest is now “bullet resistant.” It’s the same priciple: the new strain offers a little protection but not nearly enough.
Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, noted that it appears a vaccine is better than natural infection in protecting people, calling it “a big, strong plug to get vaccinated” and a reality check for people who may have assumed that because they have already been infected, they are immune.
“I worry especially that some of these premature sweeping conclusions being made could rob people of hope,” said Angela Rasmussen, a virologist at Georgetown University’s Center for Global Health Science and Security. “I worry the message they may receive is that we’re never going to be rid of this. When in fact that’s not what the data suggests.”
“Basically, [the data is] saying vaccination actually needs to be better than natural immunity. But vaccination is better than natural immunity.”
How did you come to such a conclusion after reading this article?
Stop encouraging anti-vaccine unscientific shit, this ain’t
i was more just being doomer and suggesting we carry anti-anti-masker weapons and just patrol the streets at night trying to stop the plague and stop the death. im straight up okay with pogroms for “people” who refuse to wear masks.
this makes me think of the South Park ep where they’re like “I wouldn’t touch that with an (X) foot pole”, except it’s about Q people
Honestly I want the admins to crack down at least a little on covid scaremongering. Concluding “we’re fucked” from an article that concludes “reinfection risk slightly greater from new strain” is Q-level science denialism. Quite literally this article already concludes the vaccine works.