Spaniard here, we were also not that bad
I think the whole of America’s indigenous populations who were worked to death in mines and sugar plantations would probably argue otherwise.
Yeah, and the northen ones wouldn’t argue back because the british and americans murdered all of them.
Again, go tell that to their grandpas, mine stayed here and had no input in our foreign policy.
Not a pissing contest though? Nor was it a shot at you or your family. Just came across as a bit of genocide apologia by saying Spain wasn’t that bad.
You don’t need to deflect to how poorly UK, French, Canadians, and Americans treated those populations (even though Spain did just as much to people in western North America). They were all horrendous and all should have to make repetitions. But Spain belongs right along side those colonizers for the atrocities they built their wealth upon.
Yeah, they were all horrendous. But there is a difference between an actual extermination and a “normal” conquest (horrible as it may be). Just look at the difference in number of natives in South A and North A.
Something that i want to point out:
Should the spanish government pay reparations or our royal family? Who is actually responsible? For the americans is easy to talk about these since there has been an inumterrupted line between Washington and Trump, but we had had a few royal families (Habsburg, Bourbon, Saboii), two republics, two dictatorships and our current constitutional monarchy. Also, even the Zapatistas ( believe Spain shouldn’t apologize or do anything. Focusing on what Spain did 400 years ago seems weird when the FMI and the USA are fucking over the place RIGHT NOW.