CPUSA. Maybe also the DSA.
no DSA, is just run by Trot entryists. (genuinely have no idea how true this is i’m just repeating a rumor)
LMAO no it isn’t, it’s run by social democrats and other “progressive” lib reformists. The Trot entryists (by which I assume you mean Reform and Revolution and similar formations) are trying in vain to drag DSA membership to the left from the inside rather than raising their own banner in a similar fashion that the DSA’s strategy is trying to drag Dems to the left from the inside, instead of telling their members to run as independent candidates under a DSA ticket.
DSA is pretty diverse, but their foreign policy caucus (idk what it’s called) had a talk with Nicaraguan “socialists” fighting against the tyranny of the Sandinistas, and educating people on how they needed to stand with them. I believe this was the same year there was a wave of right wing terrorist attacks in Nicaragua, and may have been the same people. So there are feds in DSA for sure.