All the time I hear about “the CIA will coup this”, “America supported that”, “These people opposed US Imperialism”. A topic could have absolutely nothing to do with america and involve a place on the exact opposite part of the earth and Americans will find a way to make it about America. For example, people talk about Russian politics and Putin yet seem to support Putin wholeheartedly because his Russia “opposes american imperialism”. This framing of the conversation seemingly ignoring how Russian people feel about his reign, how the EU has been having to drag america into the latest sanctions against Russia, and how for the last 4 years America had an ostensibly Pro-Russian president. I swear American Leftists don’t care at all about Capitalism or Communism and just want to oppose the United States. Most of the world and people don’t care about American influence, let alone to such an obsessive degree.
I really have no clue where you pulled out this rant from out of laughing at americans loving putin and assad or came up with this narrative of me knowing nothing about syria. I don’t really care about moral purity I just find americans knowing little about Assad and how he is seen in syria but having extreme opinions on the guy to the point of loving him very funny
I have literally said zero good things about him, he’s not a good guy, his regime is corrupt. Of course he’s not the most popular he’s Alawite in a Sunni-majority country and the Alawites have gotten preferential treatment from his father and himself. This ignores the reality of the alternative and the environment which gave rise to such a situation. From everything I’ve heard since the winding down and the funneling of the jihadis into Afrin and Idlib, it seems to me that the popular sentiment is a begrudging embrace (even for those less violently sectarian people whom nonetheless possess very little love for the Assad government) of the potential for stability in a region which had been thrown into utter chaos and violence for near a decade.