The horse is dead
Wait, do you think the point of posting is to affect society?
China’s success is single handedly one of the biggest propaganda tools you can use as a Communist. It makes a very strong case to those that are at least neutral toward China.
China is seen as a miracle of capitalism, in how after liberalization it grew rapidly and brought many people out of poverty. Most people would laugh at you if claim China’s economy is communist. Like try talking to people outside the leftist bubble. Try telling chuds, liberals, or even market socialists that China is proof that communism as in planned economies work.
China is seen as a miracle of capitalism,
The narrative you just proposed is real: “China is a miracle of capitalism, obviously then we should emultate them because Capitalism FTW baby yeah.”
The actual narrative: “Evil Communist authoritarian CCCCCCCCPPPPPP genociding muslims we must do something to stop communism from ruling the world.”
This narrative that most people see China as a “miracle of Capitalism” certainly does not align to anything you can find online. Maybe in real life you can find some neckbeard on the back of a trailer that believes China is great because of Capitalist but that is certainly not the narrative being pushed by the western media.
At the very least, if people thought China was the shining beacon of capitalism they wouldn’t be so hell bent on hating it and I can’t imagine the double think required to be a neoliberal zealot while simultaniously believing that China is the capitalist dream, sorry miracle on earth.
If you want to claim that most westerns have zero clue how the Chinese economy works and couldn’t explain the difference between China and the west, then sure that is fair.
But I am reasonably sure most people believe the Chinese government controls everything including the economy(that is their definition of authoritarian) and that most corporations are corrupt. If they accept that China is capitalist at most they’ll also point out it isn’t true capitalism because something something evil authoritarian CCP.
Lol yeah go ahead and try when the vast majority of people just hate China and the other ones don’t know shit about it and they’re gonna start hating too if they Google about it. Even if they were mostly neutral they just wouldn’t give a shit. Like, what part of China’s program would you even be willing to implement? Trains? Wait until they hit you with any more specific questions. Most people don’t even want to implement anything resembling China’s program, so what is the point? A huge point of contention in the US was universal healthcare, except China doesn’t have that. Strong labour unions? Nope, they don’t have that either, they have a single massive labour union which is largely controlled by the state and collaborates with employers. There is absolutely no good propaganda except maybe idk, urban planning or something? Unless you think having to argue with everyone about whether or not the Uighurs are being genocided is good propaganda (it isn’t).
If success requires that much carbon emissions just launch the nukes right now
China shouldnt have developed from third world levels in order to be able to not get fucked by the west and make its own path and better the lives of billion(s) cause carbon emissions. Go tell the African nations and proletariat next next, they better not develop to western levels materialy or be successfull ,. Sorry only the west is allowed to do so cause it did it before climate change was understood or analysed academicaly
Also the world has much better chances of fighting climate change with China as the dominant world power than with america so China developing is indeed worth ot even for climate prospects. I guess they should have done it with solar power or something
I just want Hexbear Americans to realise that how they currently feel about China talk showing up too much is how the rest of the fucking world feels about America. Hope you’re ready for it, the next 250 years is going to be China talk.