What was he doing in Uruguay, one might ask? Helping teach the police how to torture people. Rest in piss, you piece of shit.
USAID is still in my country with trucks trying to get people circumcised to reduce the spread of HIV. Y’know, instead of doing something actually useful like sex education or providing condoms or HIV testing, shit that actually works to stop the spread of HIV. Well fuck now that I think about it I don’t want USAID doing that either, they’ll probably have some ulterior motive to do with controlling birth rates in a foreign country or tracking down dissidents. Fuck USAID, imperialists out!
no visible signs of maltreatment (beyond the fact that during the kidnapping, Mitrione had been shot in one shoulder, a wound that had evidently been treated while in captivity).
They treated him a thousand times better than his victims were and a million times better than he deserved
“The precise pain, in the precise place, in the precise amount, for the desired effect.”
Oh no. This guy died? Anyway,
Sounds like he got off easy for someone who delivered so much misery.