What was he doing in Uruguay, one might ask? Helping teach the police how to torture people. Rest in piss, you piece of shit.
They blowed up a Coca-Cola factory and a Bayer factory too. But mostly, they kidnaped and murdered a bunch of politics involved in the Juan María Bordaberry’s dictatorship. After the dictatorship and the 2002 crisis, the movement was already down (due to all the violent acts of the dictatorship), but some of the members of the guerrilla came back as presidential candidates in the party Movimiento de Participación Popular that at the same time, is part of the Frente Amplio coalition. The coalition was elected 15 years in a row.
The film they made about it is one of the best films of all time
The 1972 movie State of Siege by Costa-Gavras is based on the story of Mitrione’s kidnapping.
The film opened to positive reviews from critics and is regarded as one of Costa-Gavras’ finest works since the 1969 film Z. While it was released one year later in American theaters, a storm of controversy developed. Many U.S. officials hated the movie and even stated that it was a heap of lies about U.S. involvement in Latin America and other third world countries. In Washington, D.C., it was removed from a special screening at the John F. Kennedy Center, only to be run uncut on a local TV station.
no visible signs of maltreatment (beyond the fact that during the kidnapping, Mitrione had been shot in one shoulder, a wound that had evidently been treated while in captivity).
They treated him a thousand times better than his victims were and a million times better than he deserved
hope they gave him another perspective on torture