Not the Voter Suppression bills, not the gerrymandering, not the presidency being stolen at least three times, not the fact you can lose the popular vote and win office, not that you can be denied the right to vote but have your vote count for someone else.
Nah it’s the guys who got in a slap fight before touring the Capitol and then getting arrested cuz they posted it on their Facebook :agony-consuming:
you can be denied the right to vote but have your vote count for someone else.
Oh you didn’t know you lived in hellword?
While I acknowledge folks like AOC genuinely felt scared for their lives - and understandably so - I can’t help but think it’s just absolute lib shit to think that our beautiful boaters and petite bougies who stormed the capital presented any even infinitesimally small threat to power. Like, Via Getty doesn’t get to be speaker of the house if he keeps the podium or whatever, libs know this right?
I can’t help but think it’s just absolute lib shit to think that our beautiful boaters and petite bougies who stormed the capital presented any even infinitesimally small threat to power.
Likely because you recognize Congress as a mechanism for wielding power, not the source of power.
OWS was, at least, closer to the mark. No coincidence that they were taken much more seriously.
stop speaking to liberals on liberal terms. the second you do the game is lost. his ‘our’ is doing the legwork. this is only a democracy for the few.
It’s funny, but it’s the same energy (and end result) as using biblical passages to point out inconsistencies to bigoted Christians. You’re moving the focus to them, their worldview, and their concerns.
I remember Slavoj Zizek making this point. Imagine being a german in 1920 and having a conversation with your nazi neighbor who invites you over. you go over out of politeness, he starts a conversation about his bs. the second you say, “ok some jews are like that, but not all,” the game is over. everything out of your mouth will further confirm his symbolic world.
there’s a very clear point where language breaks down between people who see the world differently. that point is when anything challenges either one’s symbols.
Man I know we take the piss out of Zizek here a lot but when I hear about stuff he actually says when he’s trying to make a point, he sounds pretty great.
That’s a really good analogy. Kinda pokes holes in the idea of debatebros being able to win anything meaningful by platforming fascists.
It’s almost that a style of rhetoric that emphasizes seriously refuting opposing ideas, even ridiculously wrong ideas, only serves to legitimize those ideas.
You are completely right!
Leftists should stop using “our” when talking about the bourgeois state. It is hard to unlearn because it is so ingrained in prevailing ideology to equate the government with the people but a linguistic separation of the two lays some groundwork for critique of the state.
The staunchly anti-communist Kennedy who was more than likely going to escalate the Vietnam war? Who got elected because the mob did shit in Chicago?
All presidents deserve the Kennedy treatment, but against a brick wall.
I’m just imagining the Zapruder film, but blue confetti coming out of Kennedy’s head, and Jackie proclaiming “it’s a boy”.
The Zapruder film, but blue confetti coming out of Kennedy’s head, and Jackie proclaiming “it’s a boy!”
@ScreamoBMO alt text please
Who got elected because the mob did shit in Chicago?
The joke about Nixon/Kennedy in '60 was that everyone was cheating. Kennedy just cheated a little harder.
Also, Nixon was a vile little fuckwit that non-WASP hated. Nixon losing to Kennedy in '60 was a bit like Bush losing to Clinton in '92. He could have made it if he’d curbed his instinct to be a complete asshole just a little more often.
cia did it