Unless I’m missing something, the chances of intelligent alien life seem pretty good. The next question is: How do we summon them to Earth to bring space communism and/or anal probing?
The Milky Way is huge. There’s room for there to be loads of aliens without any of us being within spitting distance of each other.
Or put simply: there are 8 billion people on Earth but you’re not anal probing anyone at the moment either.
I did some quick wolfram alpha calculations, assuming an average distribution of stars (false, since there are varying densities inside the arms and more density in the core), there actually should be one about every 0.9 square lightyears. A lot better than I expected. But I’ve played enough Elite: Dangerous to know that stellar density near the core is significantly higher to the point where it is DEFINITELY throwing these calculations off.
you cant go faster than the speed of light and the speed of light is too slow.
This is the real problem. For any meaningful contact to be established, an alien race would need some kind of wormhole/warp technology, and the fact that no alien race has established contact with us yet is (in my opinion) pretty damning evidence that such a technology is not possible.
They’d have to have a general interest in exploration for exploration’s sake, which I think is a reasonable assumption for intelligence. By the time they get to space, there’s just so much abundance in the stars just around your home that - what would be the point of exploring for more resources? They’d have to also have some interest in exploring just because.
You are actually describing Capitalism how Land does in thirst for annihilation
There is surely life elsewhere in the universe — even intelligent life on the same level as us. But if there are any alien species out there in the universe, which there surely are, and they’ve been intelligent long enough to even be on the same technological level as us — who’s to say their golden record or voyager II wasn’t shot in a completely different direction? What if their telescopes are just pointing in a direction that’ll never have our solar system come into view? What if their own galaxy orbits the center of the universe at such an angle that we’re like two passing ships in the night?
What if they’re so “deep” into the universe that their radio signals or whatever just never make it to us?
We’ll never know and honestly I think we’re destined as a species to always be “alone” in that sense. The universe is too vast — too impregnable for it to even be feasible for us to make contact with some other species out there. They definitely are out there - and hopefully there is some sort of universal consciousness that we all filter back into after death.
and hopefully there is some sort of universal consciousness that we all filter back into after death.
There is - tryptamine psychedelics told me so.
Also, that love is fundamental; and hate is laughable in comparison, a human invention. It’s all gonna be alright :af-heart:
Great filter theory looking pretty correct right about now lol