Unless I’m missing something, the chances of intelligent alien life seem pretty good. The next question is: How do we summon them to Earth to bring space communism and/or anal probing?
Phosphorous is essential for life, and might be a rare enough element that life doesn’t have the chance to form.
This is a pretty great answer, and I was unaware of this limitation. I shall do more research on this.
wot if… we are the aliens… ?
Great filter theory looking pretty correct right about now lol
My take: Aliens definitely exist, but the distances between planets are so vast that it simply doesn’t make sense for them to travel beyond their own solar system, and even if they are the chances that they’ve traveled close enough to us for us to detect their presence is infinitesimally small.
Maybe it’s something we won’t fully understand until we have our own FALGSC and know exactly what it will cost, how long it will take, and how low the chances of success are for our own attempts to go elsewhere in the galaxy.
There’s also the issue of time and scale. How many species might there have already been, how many are yet to come? How many of those are detectable, or able to detect us? Would they make themselves known to us?
There’s every chance we’re not the only life to exist. There’s also every chance we’ll never know otherwise.