Between pipelines getting jammed, the slow-motion general strike, protests everywhere all the time, Sheikh Jarrah, mass shootings every day, new covid strains in India, and just the general background noise of life getting worse and worse for almost everyone on the planet, it feels like someone tied a brick to the big “accelerate the contradictions” lever.
Anyone else felt this way lately?
I’ve felt this way since the assassination of Soleimani in January 2020.
Maybe things are even faster now and I can’t tell because I already reached my limit on being able to process shit.
The difference in posture between Soleimani getting killed and Bin Laden getting killed was astounding.
I remember when Bid Laden was killed, all the politicos were solemn-faced and tons of us plebs were chanting “U-S-A!” in the streets.
Fast forward a decade and all the politicos were cheering about killing Soleimani and almost everyone I know was just kind of shocked that we were just straight-up killing foreign leaders in broad daylight.
Not necessarily worse for everyone on the planet… I felt this same sense of impending doom until my opinions on China changed and I started following more closely what’s going on there, which is mostly very positive stuff.
I used to get bummed thinking that revolution would never happen, but now I realize that the most important revolution already happened decades ago, and the product of that revolution is about to become the world’s number one economy.
So yes, things are getting crazier, especially in the US, but all is not lost. On a global level, we might start to see positive change happen more quickly than we realize.
The Bolshevik revolution was the starter motor. The end of the USSR wasn’t the end of communism, it was the beginning of the next phase of revolution.
helmsman@world-computer:~$ nice -20 ./Scripts/2021/ && wall “TURBO MODE”
I dont think theres a general strike happening, even a slow one