I’ll start:
- Cares about the deficit
- Supports Israel
- thinks orange man is bad
- believes we need to assert ourselves to protect the world
- resistance girl boss
I’ll start:
Cares about the deficit
Supports Israel
thinks orange man is bad
believes we need to assert ourselves to protect the world
resistance girl boss
I want to create a Twitter account just so on father’s day I can reminder her that her father was a murdering terrorist.
He shot a guy by himself too. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dick_Cheney_hunting_accident
Lol I was talking about Ana Navarro’s Contra father, but it also applies to Liz too doesn’t it?
what did Liz Cheney say?
Also this person: “The Contras were canceled by the loony left for being too patriotic and freedom-loving.”