looks like this was created to ‘prove’ that AnCaps and Empire/Emperor are completely separate concepts, even while it’s pretty clear to any functioning brain that AnCaps and Emipres are quite similar conceptually
I’d say Stalin and the CPSU would agree
Trotsky takes as the starting point of his policy of theatrical gestures, not concrete human beings, not the concrete workers of flesh and blood who are living and struggling in Britain, but some sort of ideal and ethereal beings who are revolutionary from head to foot. Is it difficult, however, to understand that only persons devoid of common sense take ideal, ethereal beings as the starting point of their policy?(…)
(…)No, comrades, we cannot adopt this adventurist course.
But such is the fate of “ultra-Left” phrasemongers. Their phrases are Leftist, but in practice it turns out that they are aiding the enemies of the working class. You go in on the Left and come out on the Right.
The Anglo-Russian Unity Committee, speech by J. STALIN
The three poles are right, there’s just way too much implied continuity.
And who frames the Overton Window as liberal-progressive, rather than liberal-reactionary?