TotP is just a bunch of ultras. If you read their other shit they call everything that isn’t guerilla war revisionist.
Not bad, but I believe I can do better:
Title: Woke PMC DSA “leftists”: “we support leftist candidates in Peru!” Also DSA failsons: “I’d side with fascists before I side with Gonzalo!”
Weird that labor aristocrats would scapegoat a global south communist movement to pretend like they’re the good guys and toootally not genocidal colonists! Weird that they would support PMC Castillo, it’s totally not because they’re worried Starbucks will run out of Peruvian coffee!
Broke: I am a settler colonist and I like to steal resources from these savages because after all it is the white man’s burden.
Woke: Noooo I am not a settler colonist, that’s just my grandpa, I am a good DSA leftist just minding my own business drinking my lattes at my 240k/year Silicon Valley job, I don’t want to steal Peru’s copper because my labor aristocrat job needs it, I’m only trying to do it because I am a good person who wants a Green New Deal! Nooooo don’t call me a colonist, it hurts my feelings! Gonzalo ate babies, OK? CIA told me so. And my dad is totally not a fascist, he just votes republican every now and then, it’s normal!
lmao the absolute state of labor aristocrat “socialism”
Didn’t Gonzalo basically say “Yeah I ordered the Lucanamarca massacre where kids got tortured with boiling water and chopped up with machetes, it was a little excessive but if we prevent the excess we wouldnt be revolutionaries, and besides we made our point”
This is a parody of black_mold_futures, aka @TrumanShow_IRL
It’s a little more complicated because unlike Khmer Rouge they actually had a proper Marxist basis, but they fucked up their revolution for a bunch of reasons and were extremely violent which gave them a really bad reputation.
Why did they fuck up? What can other movements do to avoid similar fuckups?
I’m not the most well read on the PCP, so forgive me if this answer is lacking, but the main two things I know were their overconfidence and their unhealthy reliance on their leader. During the height of their conflict with the Peruvian government, they made some very thoughtless mistakes like mistreating the peasantry that they relied on as their base of support. Then once Gonzalo was captured, a good portion of the party was still ready to continue the war, but the upper leadership refused to continue without Gonzalo at the helm and this caused the party to collapse and splinter.
There’s definitely a lot to learn from the PCP, both positively and negatively, but I would say if we’re reading from their mistakes it would be to follow the mass line, do not get overconfident in the revolution until it has actually succeeded, and ensure the leadership of our movements is flexible and self sufficient.
schniff zhe hegelian dialectish schniff decree zhe baby must be boiled schniff
Nah not even close. Despite them fucking up massively, having horrible and violent wings and outbursts and losing popular support they were way way more legitimate than the Khmer Rouge and an actual revolutionary communist movement practicing people’s war (pretty successfully till they didnt).
They are on the same vain and global tide as the people’s wars that are still going on in the Phillipines and India (naxalites) etc with very little differences between them and these ideologicaly or in strategies. They just shit the bed hard in the height of the people’s war while suspecting everyone as a collaborator ,turned violent against local rural population in a couple of instances and then didnt denounce it leading to them losing popular support and becoming progressively weirded
I mean, this is kinda downplaying how ridiculously brutal shit like Lucanamarca was, and how it was essentially just downplayed as “Shit happens when you do revolutions, sometimes you just torture elderly villagers and small kids with boiling water then hack them to death with machetes, but at least we made our point”.
they were way way more legitimate than the Khmer Rouge and an actual revolutionary communist movement
You can say the same stuff about the Khmer Rouge. They were every bit as bad, they just never got to power. The only difference was that Shining Path was on slightly better theoretical grounding, but very slightly better. Even before they became big they were completely out of touch and weird, and they operated largely like a cult.
It’s almost as if every single supposedly “left wing” org in the US is utter garbage.