Biden looks like Winnie the Poo?
Honestly I’m having trouble seeing it.
Hell yeah Reddit, you can take down the highest GDP nation in the world by meming. They solved the Boston Marathon bombing they can do anything
When the bombing happened Reddit took it upon themselves to catch the bomber. Thousands of Reddit’s finest banded together and IIRC doxed an innocent bystand and contributed absolutely nothing of value to the actual investigation
reddit doesn’t know anything except posting winnie the pooh, tank man, and uncredible photos of concentration camps
tank man
My favourite thing is when people post tank man as though it’s an own on china. Yes china, that terribly oppressive country where a bunch of tanks stopped and did nothing to a man standing in the middle of the street haranguing them.
Also weren’t the tanks leaving the square and tank man wanted them to go back and stop the protesters?
why is the subreddit called dank memes. what does dank mean in this context. is it like, funny memes? creative memes? what standard are they meant to be shooting for?
Originally “so bad they become ironically good”, now just "literally any quality meme (which means most will be incredibly low quality like this one because it’s easier) and the amount of irony it’s supposed to have is only clear after voting to cover for it
Basically Schrodinger’s jokes; if you like it, it’s cause it’s good and high effort; if you don’t like it, actually that means it succeeded because it was purposely bad 😎😎