Like hosted a website or a server for your personal needs, or taken a smartphone given to you for work or something like that.
Printing/scanning on the company printer. Was careful at a corporate job as I suspected they might monitor what I send to the printer or what the printer scans, so I was low-key with that
I worked at a car dealership that put out very nice, fresh muffins for the customers. I was a drug addict at the time and wasn’t spending money on food so that’s where I ate
Nice try boss
You mean legally when I’m allowed/entitled to? All the time. I max out my benefits.
Why? If I’m allowed, I consider it part of my salary, and would be stupid not to cash it in.
The majority of labor is cucked (unpaid overtime, not using their sick days before they expire, ect).
I’ve taken smartphones and laptops, given for work but then never returned when leaving. Nothing permanent for hosting but I have used our infra for games and file sharing.