Right wing pos Simon Whistler, who shills for anyone who can afford him. Somehow finds a way to shoehorn his anticommunist talking points into nearly every video, even the ones that aren’t about how Che Guevara killed eleventy billion innocent slaveowners. Also hosts a neoliberal channel.
Worth noting he’s just the host for the 75 trashfire “infotainment” channels he pumps out daily videos for, but even if he doesn’t personally believe the bullshit he peddles, he’s still contributing to the right wing shithole of youtube and my respect for him remains at zero.
I straight up thought this was vsauce wtf they really do all look the same
I dont know much about him, but what i do is that he is the english voice for a terrible neolib spanish channel that has sadly expanded outside spanish speaking youtube
Jesse! the Methylamine is going bad.
The TopTenz guy is a fucking fash? aw shit some slop videos are fine for slop sake
BadEmpanada (I know, I know) did a video about one of the channels he’s on. He’s just a paid host but he still bears responsibility for spreading bullshit. The “apolitical” videos he has is just a Trojan horse for the “muh commie authoritarianism” bs. Ofc leftists won’t fall for this crap but once he builds up a certain amount of trust, he becomes highly valued by channels such as the one in the video.
Ah yes the “evilgommunism/chynabad” shit is absolutely there, but it’s not that different from any media created by the DW/BBC/whatever.
Anyways, I use it as slop and to feel good about my english cuz he talks really fast
I know he’s not unique, but I hate it when I’m watching a video about Mad Cow Disease and out of nowhere he brings up an Anthrax incident in Russia like 40 years ago as an example of Soviet authoritarianism or whatever. I absolutely loathe the infotainment channels that try to pass off their neoliberal garbage (in Kurzegesagt or however you spell it’s case, literally funded by Bill Gates) and/or capitalist realist addled videos and/or basically just parroting the state department as some sort of objective analysis or “just the facts”.
And people trust what they say. They’re having a real impact. These kinds of videos routinely pull in millions of views; how many people are watching CNN after the orange man is gone?
Obviously leftists have fine tuned bullshit detectors, but what about everyone else?
Why would you make a video in english debunking a propaganda outlet that mostly operates in Spanish? congratulations on not affecting them at all
I can’t be bothered to keep track of which breadtubers are currently considered good or filthy liberal revisionists, just trying to play it safe