Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.
So we have Hot Take Thursday. Fuckoff Friday and now introducing and taking submissions for Sasspants Saturday.
I’ll go first.
The other night, did a bunch of gyoza as all the fam were together (4 plus bro’s new wife). no biggie easy stuff. There’s a custom here that we all say ‘hey thanks that was nice’ even if it wasn’t. That didn’t happen.
Anyway they’re addicticted to their phones which I find rude in a social setting. You’re mid convo and they’ll just whip it out and browse random shit (so not responding to anything).
Anyway bro’s wife eats the last gyoza and the person who does that in my rulebook always should ask ‘anyone want that’? doesn’t, then heads to the couch to browse whatever shit that was on her phone instead of conversing.
So my parting comment when they were leaving was ‘well I’m glad you found the gyoza interesting’.
That is my saturday sasspant.
I think I have one. I just went out for a walk around Docklands and when I’d had enough walking, I spotted a rental scooter which had been clearly stashed off the main paths on some dirt between the outdoor public basketball courts and outdoor gym equipment. There was a group of young guys hanging around chatting on the gym equipment and as I approached the scooter one of them was looking at me with the eyes of someone who very clearly was calling “dibs” on the scooter but that just isn’t how this works. Then they all turned to look at me like I was stealing something. I had my headphones on and I don’t give a fuuuuuck so I just kept their eye contact, scanned the scooter and rode off. I think that might be sasspant.
Party time. By which I mean I’m dusting off the dvd player and the Colin Firth version of Pride and Prejudice, and I’m snuggling in with a blanket and a cat.
Great news everyone, Jeff Bezos ex wife just emailed to say my email address has been randomly chosen and that she wants to give me 1.5 million US dollars! Woo Hoo, I’m rich!
It’s not really clear. There is an attachment and a few links, I guess I just click on all those
First expedition to the can return machine. Got enough back to almost pay for a big sack of cat litter. Impressed with the speed of the thing!
Lucky, three times i’ve tried so far. Full, full, out of commission.
Really wish the frigging app told you that
I’m not keen on giving information, so chose the voucher option. It just prints a barcode you can scan.at Coles (and probably other places)
Oh it’s on thermal paper, so I wouldn’t advise saving them up to try to pay for a whole shop. If they fade getting hot in the glovebox or something you’ll lose the lot.
That’s awesome. I bet it eats cat food cans
Ah, none near me unfortunately. Here’s the map of ‘reverse vending machines’ if anybody wants it https://mytomra.com.au/locations/vic-container-deposit-scheme/
Ooh lucky, wish I had one of those local to me. Mine’s an over the counter at a local shop; which is ok because they give you cash but they don’t like the larger bottles, only the smaller ones and cans etc. I suppose they’ve got to put them somewhere out back.