I always thought if you wanted to troll the shit out of the “Muh WW2 Axis Campaign” weirdos you could do a game that has you cut to a Nazi officer in his command tent, Wagner playing on a phonograph, troops who all Hitler salute you as you exit the tent and walk around, make it feel mega Wehrabooish, and then suddenly your head gets blown off and it cuts to the actual player character who’s a female Soviet Sniper. The meltdown would be incredible.
Have the player play as Paulus and the only significant thing you do in the game is surrender after getting your shit kicked in at Stalingrad
Playing a tank level where your tank breaks down because it’s an over engineered piece of shit made by slaves that sabotaged it in defiance
Wasn’t the Soviet tank strategy accuracy through volume? I remember seeing a youtube video where some comrade said, “Hey, these tanks suck they only last a month.” And the Marxist Leninist engineer said, “Yes, comrade but the life expectancy of a tank on the eastern front is two weeks.”
When I saw over-engineered, I mean that the Nazi’s tanks had a whole bunch of moving parts that had to be finely machined, and were all hard to replace. In addition, as their tank designs advanced, the newer tanks needed even more of those differing parts. Both of these things were a liability with how much their factories were being bombed towards the end of the war.
And yes, by contrast, when the Soviets made new tank designs, they’d have lesser amounts delicate parts, making them easier to produce.
You play as Hitler and the entire game is blowing your brains out over and over again for 10 hours.
One time when my roommate was really high on mushrooms he described a game where you play as an Axis courier in WW1 and do increasingly futile, losing missions that intentionally frustrate and humiliate the player. The player’s character would mumble under their breath stuff about how no one respects them and the battles are being commanded all wrong. Then at the start of the last mission the player sees their reflection in a puddle and it’s Hitler.
I told him to stop taking shrooms.
And you unlock a new background, uniform and accessories every couple of kills. Sure, kill 1 and 2 are just your boring nazi outfit and underground bunker, but kill 35 you’re in a Hawaiian shirt, sunglasses, mojito on the table and at the beach!
WWII game where you play as a German communist press ganged into the Dirlewanger Brigade and are sent to fight the Greek Resistance, but the whole game is you planning to escape with a bunch of guns and join them.