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healthcare, social security, affordable college and affordable healthcare
You mean all this things the Soviet Union had?
I think the point he’s making has to do with fear mongering by boomers rather than an ideological statement (not defending him by any means, just my read on the statement) verses AOC using a similar line of thinking do denounce the USSR and Venezuela
AOC on Venezuela:
“I am very concerned about U.S. interventionism in Venezuela, and I oppose it, especially when we talk about a figure like U.S. Special Envoy Elliott Abrams here. I think it’s – he’s pled guilty to several crimes related to Iran-Contra… I am generally opposed to U.S. interventionism as a principle, but particularly under this administration and under his leadership, I think it’s a profound mistake," Ocasio-Cortez added, before moving to another questioner.
Can she be better? Yes. Is she doing boomer-tier denunciations of Venezuela? No.
Yeah but she walked it back
Here’s the quote I was referencing
Thankfully she hasn’t renounced Maduro, and has so far been silent on Cuba
Ocasio Cortez, sometimes referred to as AOC, was asked in an interview with the National Review if she sees President Maduro as legitimate, for which she replied, “I defer to caucus leadership on how we navigate this.”
the National Review
When some conservative rag asks you “bUt WhAt AbOuT vUvUzElA???,” why would you give them anything?
Social democracy ≠ socialism.
Definitely a white millennial moment
Man whatever works. These people are dumb as hell but I guess they’re on the right track
IDK about that, there’s a good chance these succdems and radlibs co-opt socialism as social democracy and you just end up with eco-fascism or intersectional imperialism once the climate crisis really fucks us up. Without an actual organization to pipeline these people into actual socialism, it could just be a dead end.
comrade, let me tell you a story about german social democrats and social fascism