It’s so fucking annoying watching these lib think tanks “figuring it out” when this knowledge has been around for so god damned long
Lib friends calling you cynical for acknowledging real problemsm/ conflicting class interests is so annoying
5% unemployment! Jesus Christ. Imagine thinking that’s something you should aim for.
And that’s the U3. People actively searching. We’re not even talking about the U6 figure of working age hireables.
Concervatives scream and cry at young people for going to college, but they refuse to acknowledge a full time student as a potential new hire.
They also want us to pay for college out of pocket and to not take out “irresponsible” loans, but to not avoid college altogether if we don’t wanna be poor. It’s a no win situation. You get criticized no matter what. And if you make enough money to get by you’re not allowed to complain on behalf of the people who don’t
Think about how you feel about land lords, now understand that it’s mutual
Fun fact: Most bourgeois economists defines “full employment” as an unemployment rate somewhere around five percent.
Dude, Where’s My Reserve Army of Labour?
Opposition to Medicare for All is for the same reason. The boss loves having the power of life and death over you so that you do whatever they say. A lot of libs naively thinking that M4A would be good for businesses because they only think in terms of direct benefits, like the economy is just a video game that anyone can win (and doesn’t every business want to minimize cost?!?!?). They never consider economic decisions with Game Theory or anything that actually takes human nature (i.e. long-term thinking, self-interest, SPITE).
Game Theory or anything that actually takes human nature
Game theory is only human nature in coercive systems, and then only among the well informed. You can’t have a prisoner’s dilemma without prisoners.