They really struggled to make it seem much different or worse.
“Hey, those new Wolfenstein games were received pretty well, I should probably finally check them out”
Wtf, the first one came out 7 years ago :what-the-hell:
You know how in Smash bros when you have multiple of the same fighter on screen they give them a distinct palate swap to keep them apart?
That moment in the game when the Nazi is talking to the KKK members and inquiring with them about whether or not they’re ready for the official day that German becomes the official national language, and it’s clear that learning a new language is far beyond the KKK members’ capability. Little details like that went a long way for me.
I feel like Wolfenstein at least acknowledges this more than most alt history scenarios would. In the first game Jimi Hendrix says something like “before the nazis came you were the nazis” when he talks about his experiences growing up. The second game has BJ recruiting a bunch of leftists in Louisiana and an analogue of the Black Panthers both of which were presumably not fans of pre-war USA.
Also it’s a series where you shoot Nazis with laser guns on the moon. It’s great.
I don’t know how to think about there being an actual worldwide ancient secret Jewish society controlling advanced technology. I feel like that part could have been done more gracefully.