I dunno, remember when he publicly whipped a bunch of bankers?
There’s literally a quote from Jesus in the Bible telling people to pay their taxes.
Sorry folks, Jesus was a lib.
But on the other hand. “Beware of the scribes, who like to walk around in long robes, and love to be greeted with respect in the marketplaces, and to have the best seats in the synagogues and places of honor at banquets. They devour widows’ houses and for the sake of appearance say long prayers. They will receive the greater condemnation”
Jesus really hates Blue Checks
They devour widows’ houses
I think that’s probably a more correct interpretation. But idk, why would Jesus care about getting arrested, ya know?
They always preferred the ethnostate Jesus who rolls through shooting all the Muslims with a AR-15.
The gun is a metaphor for eternal hellfire and the image is biblically accurate.
Jesus was an idealist who didn’t have a material program. and he was using Roman myths because Jewish hell isn’t a thing, or its like T h e A b y s s
In addition, his calls to his followers to give up their possessions and share among them was more pragmatic than anything. What good are material possessions when the entire world is coming to an end in a manner of years, if not sooner. Jesus was a Jewish Apocalypticist, and there were plenty of others like him in Israel at the time. He preached the end was near (like, really near) and Jehovah was coming to judge the Jewish people’s enemies once and for all and establish his kingdom on earth.
Obviously that never happened, and since the beginnings of Christianity Christians have made excuses and twisted the gospels to say that when Jesus talks about his kingdom will come before some of his listeners pass away… what Jesus was “really” saying is that his “kingdom” is the world after he dies, even though nothing in the world actually changes. Or that when Jesus said he was returning “soon”… well 2,000 years is “soon” to Jesus.
So, when you’re faced with the entire world ending, what good does storing up material goods matter? Share them and help my movement grow and you will have bigger rewards in the kingdom. It’s really more like an investment.
I don’t want to challenge socialist Christians here who draw inspiration from Jesus’ message. You’re cool. But what I’ve said above is where a lot of academic Biblical scholars like Ehrman are at w/r/t Jesus.