It’s breathtaking how anyone can look at this and not see the cynical maneuvering considering he’s fucking upping the budget for domestic policing. More than enough to make you consider these fuckers really do drink the blood of children TBH.
What’s that got to do with anything, Biden?
Listen here fat, I’ve gotta make sure the cops have as much Ammo as they need because people in this country think I’m an evil zombie kept alive by child sacrifice!
It’s breathtaking how anyone can look at this and not see the cynical maneuvering
The question itself was cynical maneuvering
v weird thing to defend imho
Oh the reporter is a POS without question. I just can’t imagine watching that exchange and being like “lol, epic. Gottem mr. president” that’s just so fucking lame.
So biden gets asked a disingenuous question about defunding the police, and his response is “Look, it’s not just my party that has wackos with insane ideas, your party has them too!”
Fuckin aye! The reporters obviously a piece of shit but that defense absolutely equates the notion of defunding the police with Qanon hokum. It’s literally textbook mealy mouth politician bullshit. And no one should expect better from old joe but I cannot believe the number of fucking rubes in the comments acting like this is cool or admirable. Just a bunch of fucking dweebs.
I didn’t think it was cool and it was obvi cynical. But I did think it was pretty funny lol