“Libertarian socialist” in bio.
Do they even understand the scope of what the CIA does and more importantly it’s bloody and brutal history? Only a fool would take them lightly.
But they swear they don’t do that stuff any more (except all the times when they openly admit it). Spies would never lie.
“Libertarian socialist” according to yanks: “I hate the poor but I’m not racist and am poor too”
Honestly that’s become one of the most confusing descriptors because it can mean anything from anarchist to Chomsky to weird idiot chud.
It basically never means someone like Chomsky anymore. In fact I’m amazed we haven’t seen a “Chomsky is a tankie” take yet.
in my post-lolbertarian days i used it or left/leftist libertarian as something like anarcho-communist-lite. basically minimal government only existing to supress capitalism/provide social services. it made no fucking sense at all and lacked any grounding in reality or theory.
Someone said to google operation northwoods
The reply to that was “delusions of grandeur”
What is wrong with these people
People like this should be required to post their family’s income/wealth in their twitter bio.