I wish these vacationers a very get robbed.
It’s not like the states where women will throw on a hoodie and sweatpants and leave the house looking like a troll to go run errands.
Women, if you aren’t looking like a pornstar every waking moment in order to please these alpha males, what really is your life worth?
i don’t trust people who are really well put together out in regular life, like buying TP and toothpaste and peanut butter and tortillas. it’s like having a bunch of perfumery/cologne going. what is this in service to? what is being hidden?
i’m just trying to eat a peanut butter burrito in my car, not be enchanted.
I saw that! What a piece you of shit. I guarantee you this guy doesn’t put on a nice fitting, ironed shirt and pants, style his hair, and whatever the guy equivalent of putting on makeup is before a fucking grocery trip. And why would you? Such a dumb thing to expect people to do.
I mean I do try to look nice when I go grocery shopping nowadays, but that’s because with the pandemic and lockdowns it’s one of the few times I leave the house. Pre pandemic? Fuck that lol, sweatpants and old t shirts it is. This guy is such a massive pile of garbage and completely unrealistic expectations though.
Yeah I mean sometime I feel like dolling up, same as anyone, but like that’s for me, not to impress some random incel lmao
I imagine every link to :reddit-logo: comes with a mandatory “they banned /r/cth but this shit is still allowed?” but it’s all I can think of when I see most of the absolute vileness that still goes on there.
My father did the same thing, just with the Philippines. He now has a house over there. Built it himself for $12,000 USD. It is like a 1 USD to 50 peso over there. He has a lease on the land (outsiders can’t own the land but the lease is like 99 years) And a women who is 45 years younger than him. Go dad!
So proud of my sexpat dad
Man I generally tend to stay away from the MRA/PUA stuff, and after going through this thread, I’m going to keep that trend going
Read again: They do this b/c the competition is high (other girls are looksmaxing too) and the stakes are high (bagging a high level man - primarily for LTR).
You advertise your foreign status (coming from richer country). She’s not into you more than US woman would be b/c “she is better than US woman” - she’s into you b/c she EXACTLY as the US woman, namely hunting for a high status male. You just “artificaly” boosted your SMV by having a “foreigner=more money/status than locals” status.
What in the fuck am I reading
They also refer to “leveling up” and shit like that on the incel and femcel subreddits
There clearly seems to be some tension between the “converted forever alone” ie incel types and the “true” alpha males in that thread. Not surprising to see the overlap
You ever notice how in entry level economics textbooks they assume that people operate like cold, emotionless value-optimizing robots, whose every decision is governed by a overly simple optimization strategy? Yeah, this is that except about dating
I’m sure there’s actually a direct correlation between age old social darwinist principles and what you see from these MRA/RedPill types. Prevalent belief that groups of people have immutable characteristics, including branching off from the nonsensical IQ debate, which allows for them to dehumanize the object of their hate. Nice little overlap with Libertarians, and laissez-faire ideologies.