Holy shit that went from bad to in a microsecond
This isn’t a communist, it’s just another programmer so high on his own farts he’s become a eugenicist. Confine to /c/the_dunk_tank pls
children are the property of their parents
you’re gonna be property of the state when the time comes if you keep this shit up
Any of these bazinga brain dipshits who suggests that people would cripple themselves so they don’t have to work and get free government money has never spoken to or taken care of anybody with a disability. Nevermind all the other eugenics bullshit I just read too.
He is a dipshit, but there is also precedence for people cropping themselves to get on the dole:
The town gained infamy in the late 1950s and early 1960s due to the improbably high percentage of residents who put out insurance claims on lost limbs, to the point that many speculated that residents of the town were intentionally dismembering themselves for the insurance money. Although there is no real evidence to support these speculations,
Is there?
If there was really a significant incentive to do this, you wouldn’t just see it in one small town. You also wouldn’t see it just in a decade or two.
Sure it’s not really fair that I make $600K/yr to optimize the ad fill rate by 0.1% and someone else makes $15/hr waiting tables… but let’s not make it too fair.
I can’t express with words how much I love this post.
My younger brother is a lifelong conservative and I’m always trying to chip away at his ideology. I think that the most impactful thing I’ve ever said to him to get him to question capitalism’s organization of labor and resources was something along the lines of "We have incredible modern technology that has almost unlimited capacity to change the way that people live and function in the world, and the people who are the most skilled and educated in developing that technology are spending 100% of their time trying to serve you slightly more relevant banner ads.
Christ, imagine we get socialism and all the STEM jobs are still increasing CTR when it could be anything socially useful.
tiktok but it’s actually Manchurian Candidate-ing american kids or whatever