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MGTOW is fucking stupid because they pretend to “go their own way” and then constantly bitch about women
just like how white nationalists are asking for their “own country” and claim to be genocided after literally 400 years of doing that to others
or how every girlfriend-less friendless loner was claiming themselves to be a “sigma male” a few years ago
these dolts really have no awareness whatsoever
I had a really hard time disgusting this from the acronym for Magic: the Gathering Online. Although, I imagine there is a great deal of overlap.
But yes, the whole thing started as a self-pity parade and then metastisized into “how many ways can we excuse posting women getting punched on camera before they shut us down”. The textbook definition of a toxic community.
these dolts really have no awareness whatsoever
Let’s dispel once and for all with this fiction that MGTOW doesn’t know what it’s doing. MGTOW knows exactly what it’s doing.
Reddit always bans things 7 years too fucking late
I cant wait until they also ban transgendercirclejerk to make things ‘even’