It still blows my mind that the House of Commons is entirely made up of lords, and nobody is bothered by it.
Are you planning to picket Tesco because they make profit off food that people need to live?
Renters pay extra for lack of liability.
This is an idealist fantasy where they’re assuming that the housing market is an idealized marketplace where people are looking for a place to live and decide between their options of renting and buying and weigh out the pros and cons. Maybe that’s true for certain PMC’s who make a lot or have duel incomes or both, but the reality is that a lot of people don’t have the option to buy because they don’t have a downpayment.
I just looked it up and the median savings of an American household is $5300. The median home price is $350,000. So even a modest downpayment of 10% is unattainable for at least half of people.
i definitely don’t day dream about an affordable housing model where a reasonable amount of money is set aside for maintenance and tenants otherwise pay an equitable fraction of the literal mortgage (or better, just the property tax). imagine if a government took over every rental, paid off the banks some fraction of the mortgage, and just charged tenants for property tax and maintenance. :mao-clap:
honestly, i don’t think we should pay off the banks for the nationalization of commercial mortgages that they own. but if you don’t, and you aren’t doing an entire restructuring of society to boot, they’ll do what they always do and tank production to starve the poors so that the line can still go up. and that would be bad probably.