3 stripe fash on Rogan? Watch what these fascist ghouls from the US, France and the fascist puppet South Vietnamese regime did to their own people. https://youtu.be/sP22K6dog34
it’s been a while since I learned of a new capitalist atrocity
Luna Oi is based
I dont pay attention to left right bullshit
Which is why it’s so easy for the right to influence you.
Same with challenging the “gommunism killed 100 million people” line. And they can’t even point to any sort of proof, to them it’s just something everyone “knows”. Then if you try talking about how and why that number is bullshit, people just tune you out within 5 seconds.
It’s not left or right to be pro war bruh, lighten up, don’t fall for the toxic trap of partisan politics, become a realist like me and just believe everything at face value and understand war is good bruh.