Personally don’t think this is the right path at all and is going to effect rural, poor and anyone without proper public transit (soooo a ton of people) unfairly. I understand the idea behind it but there are so many better ways to deal with the driving problem they’ve created.
This is like plastic bag and straw bans, do something that sounds like it has some sort of incremental impact on very real problems but do so in a way that only really hurts poor people more.
Yes, ha ha ha. YES
This is going to hurt rural people real bad. When I was in the city I had jobs any where from .5 to 12 miles away, after moving to bumfuck nowhere the closest good job I could get was 36 miles. Hell in the city there were 3 grocery stores within a half mile radius now the closest shitty one is 12 miles away and almost 40 to get to a decent one.
In conclusion fuck everything about this.
yes i propose something much more reasonable that doesn’t negatively impact poor rural folks like taxing fuel on a per gallon basis (which, of course, has zero relationship to miles travelled) and continuing to subsidize declining gas revenues with money from the general fund
China’s finished. I can feel the infrastructure from here.
taxing people for using cars without any alternative isn’t going to stop climate change, it’s just going to be another tax on the poor