I was all into electoralism up until the 1-2 punch of Corbyn and Bernie getting screwed (and just straight up losing) within the span of 2 months. From there I thought electoralism still had it’s place but was thinking more about how we’ll never get to “vote” for socialism, and started leaning towards being an ML. And then recently, I’m just really down on the hope for any sort of internal change within the imperial core. I think change is going to have to be forced upon the global north by the global south. And even though Iive in the US, I just feel more and more disconnected from this place. I find I’m way more interested in what’s going on in places like Cuba, China, Good Korea, Peru, Bolivia, India, etc. I find myself not even really caring about US politics except for when it comes to issues of foreign policy.
And in my observation, it feels like a lot of comrades here seem to be following this trajectory.
Of course as I move along this path, I still don’t seem to have a really good feel on what I’m supposed to do, you know?
What activities have you been involved in IRL?
Actually, ML + Third Worldism for me. Zak Cope’s books on labor globalization and labor aristocracy in addition to John Smith’s imperialism in the 21st century and Nkrumah’s Imperialism books all made me increasingly believe in the Third Worldist analysis
I was a Third Worldist before I became a commie
This exactly describes me! I then got hit with ‘read settlers’ enough times. Now I’ve ended up at a similar position as @Nakoichi that our main project as leftists in the imperial core is to do harm reduction through mutual aid for the most marginalized and oppressed at home, and fight to hinder empire and create the conditions for the developing world to delink and liberate itself. I haven’t completely looped back to anarchism though since I still believe in coordinated movement building and with how bad the climate crisis is we still need to do everything we can to bring about change now in the core.