“The Islamic Emirate doesn’t want women to be victims” Samangani said, using the militants’ term for Afghanistan. “They should be in government structure according to Shariah law.”
He added: “The structure of government is not fully clear, but based on experience, there should be a fully Islamic leadership and all sides should join.”
Pretty sure they also did not expect to win so quickly
Could just be a bit of practicality. I’m sure that 20 years of warfare significantly reduced the population of men in their 20s and 30s.
No way that is happening
eyyy let’s go Taliban hope they build a government the brings peace, stability and enrichment for the Afghan people. Amnesty is a good first step.
Ok 2 possibilities:
— They’re looking for credible tokens/flak - your Candace Owens’ or Anne Paulk’s to channel and shield their regressive policies
— Their primary goal really is just stability right now, which means some compromise.
I’m leaning heavily toward 1 but I’m open to being surprised. Certainly what we won’t see though is any revival of left politics like happened electorally in bits and pieces across Iraq.
While I think a lot of it is #2, fundamentalists of patriarchal religions will often cloak repressive ideals under a line of “oh we’re actually the real feminists and our beliefs are liberating for women”. And they often genuinely believe this. Growing up around fundamentalist Evangelicals, I heard this line all the time. Check out Evangelical Twitter and see all the women talking about how “Biblical headship” is good actually. Wouldn’t be surprised if something like that is going on here.
I’m not about to hand them any credit just yet, but I imagine uniting the various factions of the country needed to carry out such a decicive campaign against the US-installed government required some degree of moderation. Enforcing pedantic fundamentalism is not a recipe for building this sort of coalition. We’ll have to see what happens now that their common enemy has been driven out of the picture.
They only need to beat a rate of about 25% of women in legislature to be more woke than the US lol
The libs will immediately use that to say “look, we did a good thing for people in Afghanistan!”