“The Islamic Emirate doesn’t want women to be victims” Samangani said, using the militants’ term for Afghanistan. “They should be in government structure according to Shariah law.”
He added: “The structure of government is not fully clear, but based on experience, there should be a fully Islamic leadership and all sides should join.”
Pretty sure they also did not expect to win so quickly
eyyy let’s go Taliban hope they build a government the brings peace, stability and enrichment for the Afghan people. Amnesty is a good first step.
Personally I was expecting them to open up a little in order to be like “Hey international community, we are Afghan now look we are a valid country acting as a valid country” and while it will still be shitty, it probably won’t be much worse than what’s already out there.
Macron Le’ Pew: Sacré bleu! What is a nice country like you doing all by itself?! Macron will sooth you, enrich you, and probe every inch of you! Muwahhh! Muwahh! Awwhuhuhuhhh!
lol, it’ll be fun if things go really well over there and we get to see chuds continue their scaremongering about Shariah law, but now because it’s too “woke” for them
Could just be a bit of practicality. I’m sure that 20 years of warfare significantly reduced the population of men in their 20s and 30s.