from one of their recent episodes, please post in the comments which one it was
grow soy
(soulless consumerist voice) “I will never eat bugs!!! We need eco-modernism, not Malthusianism” :Peter-Coffin:
imagine being so petit bourgeois you literally believe McDonalds is bad, this is what happens when the most worthless people alive pretend to be in touch with the people. Will these LARPing Marxists ever visit a farm or factory to actually get in touch with the material conditions?
bruh Imma be honest with you, I’m not gonna eat bugs
I haven’t had fast food in a while and recently ate Wendy’s and it destroyed me
I thought BMF might’ve lost his touch, but he’s back.
Petite Karen, a Karen who is 1.55m and 45kg.
Can’t believe i missed this
Calling a podcast they clearly listen to often “the most worthless people Alive” ✅
Neocolonial Petit Karen ✅
Labor aristocrat, (voice), & emote that doesn’t exist ✅
Rehash of older post ❌
Kind of like a remastered greatest hits album from a band, but I still love it.
7/10 on the :jesse-wtf: scale.