One- white Americans will never understand how Lebenstraum (and Manifest Destiny) fuck up the psyche of its victims- especially in regards to like, foreign policy during the cold war. Like, gee, I wonder why the Warsaw Pact was a thing?? Two- Nazis past, present and future need to be [redacted] on sight. Absofuckinglutely a disgrace. Like the fact that the red army didn’t empty every German city and village on the way to Berlin speaks volumes on the difference between those ideologies, and yet somehow Americans think Nazis and Communists are literally the same thing. Fuck
The japanese red army and some of the early 60s era antifa were the way they were because it was a bunch of young radicals finding out their parents and grand parents were all Nazis and everyone in government at that time had been a massive fascist. It broke some of those people’s brains in a very real way, like call of cthulu style lost a sanity check. I have no idea how you can reconcile that kind of then-recent history and everyone’s walking around like it’s perfectly normal meanwhile everyone in government says basically goering and shit. Like, anti-japaneseism and shit.
It’s a shame cause the USSR put former partisans and resisters in power and that must’ve been way more healthy psychologically speaking, you could actually deal with the history of your country.
Top 10 movie for me, but I’m an absolute sucker for ww2 stuff so
Mudbound is the klan equivalent movie for me. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to rewatch it. Kill them all
I don’t think Americans can comprehend what it is like to be invaded and exterminated. On a side note, are there any good films on the Sino-Japanese War in WW2?