Like every time someone posts a study about how it’s bad, you get a huge flood of people saying stuff like “I was spanked as a kid, yet I’m fine”.
I get spanked as an adult :pingu-horny:
By the title, I thought this was going to be a horny post. I have the spray ready just in case.
part of it, i think, is resistance to change, i.e., “if it was fine for my parents to do, how could it be wrong now?”, and the other part is a fucked up desire to exercise domination over a child through violence.
Rites of passage. These parents earned the right to hit their kids when they survived their own childhood beatings and were taught that violence is a solution.
When education is not liberating, the dream of the oppressed is to become the oppressor, or something.
Also the US/west is heavily pro-punishment rather than rehabilitative. The child deserves to suffer because he mildly inconvenienced me. That is the only solution and the only proper way to raise a kid.
People are utterly fucked up on this stuff. They think that losing their temper at their kids and using fear and intimidation to “keep them in line” around the fucking house is some kind of virtue.