Context: response to leaked texts from an overworked sound engineer who was working on Donda
If I couldn’t create a good song without hundreds of people busting their asses all around me I would start to entertain the possibility that maybe I am not the talented one. That maybe it is collective exceptionalism propping up mediocrity.
Bruh I know and listened to both of these artists… :internet-delenda-est: If these clowns actually think good music is made with treating workers like shit, then I gotta say these are a pair of real pretentious fucks who don’t have empathy for the safety and security of people making the shit.
Hot take good music can be made without sending someone to an ambulance these people are delusional
Every kanye album people are like this one’s actually good, one of his best ever i promise. Someone said Donda was a return to form and as good as yeezus….listened to it, just trash.
kids see ghost: ‘oh man one of the best a of the year’…trash.
That entire star entourage of the hiphop industry, Kanye, Drake, Future, Jay Z, jCole, Kid Cudi they’ve been pumping out garbage for years. A few (Young Thug, Pusha) are still decent. Hip hop is at the lowest it’s been in, a very generous, 10 years.
I’m getting into boomer territory but it’s true, there was a time in 2015 when the popular artists were all competing to release decent music but they’ve completely dropped the ball and need to just fuck off already.
So now instead of hiding that everything is produced through forced labour we’ve just reverted back to worshipping the puritan work ethic of working yourself to death, cool
Zizek is eating from the trashbin of ideology with this coward who needs to hide behind euphemisms.
you don’t get ‘off the grid’ quality of artistry
Deluded neoliberal thinks hyperexploitative material conditions of workers does not produce “on the grid” crappy McDonalds art (Donald Trump, Kanye West, etc).
We’re In Hell did a good video about a reality tv show that whines about the cheapness of “gift shop art” despite only giving workers 5 hours to make something “beautiful”