Getting bullied by adult men as a teen for not liking what they were doing in a not-for-profit that was falling down around our ears. Or my biology teacher trying so hard to act smart but just saying the dumbest crap 24/7, all while being condescending about his stupid opinions. I always knew people were stupid, both my parents are educated and I realised they were correcting things other people told me a lot, usually with some sort of source or reasoning the other person didn’t provide. As I got older, more and more determinedly stupid people got in my way, so I learned maturity is something you cultivate, not something bestowed with age.
I was a big history nerd, and when my fifth grade teacher said that the mexican-american war was between spain and america and the spanish-american war was between mexico and america, I went off and printed out a bunch of information online to prove him wrong. he never responded to it.
I’ve always had my suspicions, but the invasion of Iraq pretty much sealed the deal, of course it was more than just adults are dumb and more like adults are dumb and evil