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These are some interesting ideas, but I’m not sure if it’ll be necessary. I’m just thinking about how fast social change happens after revolutions, and how it won’t be necessary to maintain the illusions of the two party system, presidency, and consumerism
There won’t be socialism with American characteristics. Unless you want to call social democracy as socialism.
The foundation on which this country was built needs to be destroyed before a socialist US can exist. I am always wary of people who think the US will have socialism with their own characteristics. Like what? Continued exploitation of 3rd world countries while Americans get free Healthcare and housing?
Everyone knows that historical materialism is dialectical, and the more you rip things down and pretend like they never existed the more dialecticaller it is :theory-gary:
If China and Russia can make a (relatively) clean break from feudalism, why can we not do the same for neoliberalism?
They couldn’t, they both understood that they needed to develop their productive forces through state capitalism :lenin-cat:
Isildur! Cast it into the fire!
YES. The american system but two parties literally just constantly calling each other liberals all the time in public but having coke fueled orgies in private. I’m imagining the unhinged fillibusters that hungover communists would do and I am fucking living for it.