Because I’m a fucking idiot I’ve been using CitationsNeeded Chat all this time while guessing where the cursor was after the first colon. Turns out the CitationsNeeded Chat computer nerds have made the emoji list move to fit the screen around your text when you scroll the page, so you can actually see what you’re typing!

Sorry if this is common knowledge, but I do lots of computery stuff on a daily basis (admittedly MD simulations not UI) so have a reasonable intuition with technology, so there’ll probably be some other CitationsNeededs out there who would benefit from finding this out.

Finally, our suffering is over :monke-beepboop:

Hey, just a heads-up (or maybe a call for aid? LOL). I am getting “Cannot Get” pages across the site trying to go from one page to another using the “Next” buttons. I don’t know where else to post this or who to contact about this. Sorry if this isn’t the right board.




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