Where are the less than 1 fractional answers?
see heres the problem, he didnt ask how many times everyone has read madame president, he asked who read tankye books
I’ve only read three or four books but I know I’m a :LIB:
I read the manifesto and State+Revolution one weekend at work and not much else, tbh
Wage Labour & Capital and Value, Price & Profit will give you an okay base of the economic part of Marxism.
Critique of the Gotha Program is also very short and very easy to read, it’ll shed some light into what Marx and Engels thought about certain things like what they think of equality under a socialist/communist society. probably my favorite book by Marx i’ve read so far.
Those are the most important, I’d also recommend what is to be done and basically everything Parenti has done too.
Parenti is incredibly easy to read.
I’ve meant to read Parenti for a while now, he seems the most obviously relevant to the current era. Although I’ve read the nonfalsifiable orthodoxy quote enough that I’ve basically read a book, right? :very-smart: